Page last edited 5,424 days ago
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The following table documents all new system messages defined by LinkFilter extension and is meant to help translators with the translation process.
The 'message' column refers to the appropriate MediaWiki message (such as MediaWiki:Vote-link), 'default value' displays the default message (this is also shown in Special:AllMessages) and 'description' tells where the message is displayed and possibly some other useful things.
Message | Default value | Description |
linkfilter-ago | $1 ago under $2 | $1 is one of the following system messages: MediaWiki:Linkfilter-time-days, MediaWiki:Linkfilter-time-hours, MediaWiki:Linkfilter-time-minutes or MediaWiki:Linkfilter-time-seconds. $2 is the link 'category'. |
linkfilter-all | All | |
linkfilter-submit | Submit | |
linkfilter-submit-title | Submit a Link | |
linkfilter-submit-no-title | Please enter a title | |
linkfilter-submit-no-type | Hey, pick a link type! | |
linkfilter-edit-title | Edit $1 | |
linkfilter-approve-links | Approve Links | |
linkfilter-submit-another | Submit another link | |
linkfilter-login-title | Not logged in | Page title when an anonymous user tries to use Special:LinkSubmit. The actual error message is MediaWiki:Linkfilter-login-text. |
linkfilter-login-text | You must be logged in to submit links. | Error message shown to the anonymous user if they try to use Special:LinkSubmit. |
linkfilter-url | URL | This probably doesn't need to be changed for most languages. |
linkfilter-title | Title | |
linkfilter-type | Link Type | |
linkfilter-description | Description | |
linkfilter-submit-button | Submit Link | |
linkfilter-home-button | Links Home | |
linkfilter-submit-success-title | Link Submitted | |
linkfilter-submit-success-text | Your link has been sent for approval | |
linkfilter-instructions | (default value is not shown here) | Despite this message having a default value, do not translate it! This message is shown on Special:LinkSubmit and it's meant to contain rules for people submitting new links for approval. Every wiki is free to make their own rules regarding LinkFilter usage. |
linkfilter-admin-instructions | (default value is not shown here) | Despite this message having a default value, do not translate it! This message is shown on Special:LinkApprove and it's meant to contain link administrators' rules. Every wiki is free to make their own rules regarding LinkFilter usage. |
linkfilter-admin-recent | Recently Approved | |
linkfilter-approve-title | Link Administration | |
linkfilter-submittedby | Submitted by | This is followed by the name of the user who submitted the link. |
linkfilter-submitted | Submitted $1 | $1 is a date, like "1 January 2010" |
linkfilter-admin-accept | Accept | Button shown on Special:LinkApprove |
linkfilter-admin-reject | Reject | Button shown on Special:LinkApprove |
linkfilter-admin-reject-success | The link was rejected | Shown on Special:LinkApprove to the link administrator after they've rejected a link. |
linkfilter-admin-accept-success | The link was accepted | Shown on Special:LinkApprove to the link administrator after they've accepted a link. |
linkfilter-in-the-news | In the News | |
linkfilter-about-submitter | About the Submitter | |
linkfilter-anonymous | Anonymous Fanatic | |
linkfilter-filed-under | filed under | |
linkfilter-comments-of-day | Top Comments | |
linkfilter-comments | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 comment|$1 comments}} | |
linkfilter-home-title | $1 Links | |
linkfilter-home-title-all | All Links | |
linkfilter-next | next | |
linkfilter-previous | previous | |
linkfilter-description-max | Maximum Characters | |
linkfilter-description-left | $1 left | $1 is the amount of characters the user has left. |
linkfilter-popular-articles | Don't Miss | |
linkfilter-new-links-title | New Links | |
linkfilter-time-days | {{PLURAL:$1|one day|$1 days}} | |
linkfilter-time-hours | {{PLURAL:$1|one hour|$1 hours}} | |
linkfilter-time-minutes | {{PLURAL:$1|one minute|$1 minutes}} | |
linkfilter-time-seconds | {{PLURAL:$1|one second|$1 seconds}} | |
linkfilter-userlevels-link | User Levels | This is the name of the help page which tells about the point/rank system. |
linkfilter-edit-summary | new link | This is used as an edit summary whenever a new link page is created. New link pages are created whenever a link administrator approves a user-submitted link. |
group-linkadmin | Link Administrators | Displayed on Special:ListUsers. This is the name of a group whose members can administrate (approve/reject) user-submitted links. |
group-linkadmin-member | Link Administrator | Displayed on Special:ListUsers. A link administrator is a member of the link administrators group (see above). |
right-linkadmin | Administrate user-submitted links | Displayed on Special:ListGroupRights |