Page last edited 5,159 days ago
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The following table documents all new system messages defined by Comments extension and is meant to help translators with the translation process. The messages with wikitext or HTML tags have been surrounded with <nowiki> tags to display them exactly as they are in the source file.
The 'message' column refers to the appropriate MediaWiki message (such as MediaWiki:Comment-loading), 'default value' displays the default message (this is also shown in Special:AllMessages) and 'description' tells where the message is displayed and possibly some other useful things.
Message | Default value | Description |
comment-comment | Comment | This message might be unused. |
comments-db-locked | <h3>Adding Comments</h3>The database is currently locked for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. Please check back later! | Displayed if a page contains the <comments /> tag while the database is locked. |
comment-voted-label | Voted | |
comment-loading | Loading... | |
comment-auto-refresher-enable | Enable Comment Auto-Refresher | |
comment-auto-refresher-pause | Pause Comment Auto-Refresher | |
comment-reply-to | Reply to | This message is followed by the user's username whom you're about to reply to. For example, "Reply to Jack Phoenix". |
comment-cancel-reply | Cancel | |
comment-block-warning | Are you sure you want to permanently ignore all comments from | Displayed in a JavaScript popup alert when the user is about to ignore someone's comments. This message is followed by either MediaWiki:Comment-block-anon or MediaWiki:Comment-block-user, depending on the fact whether the user is an anonymous one or not. |
comment-block-anon | this Anonymous user (via their IP address) | |
comment-block-user | user | |
comment-sort-by-date | Sort by Date | |
comment-sort-by-score | Sort by Score | |
comment-show-comment-link | Show Comment | |
comment-manage-blocklist-link | Manage Ignore List | |
comment-ignore-message | You are ignoring the author of this comment | Shown in the output of the <comments /> tag instead of the person's comment if you're ignoring the said person. |
comment-you | You | Note that there is a space before the word. |
comment-reply | Reply | |
comment-login-required | You must be logged in to add comments | |
comment-post | Post Comment | |
comment-submit | Add your Comment | |
comment-score-text | Score | |
comment-permalink | Permalink | |
comment-delete-link | Delete Comment | Shown to Comment Administrators only. |
comment-anon-name | Anonymous User | |
comment-anon-message | {{SITENAME}} welcomes <b>all comments</b>. If you don't want to be anonymous, <a href="$1">register</a> or <a href="$2">log in</a>. It's free. | Shown above the comment form to anonymous users. $1 is the URL to Special:UserLogin, $2 is the URL to Special:UserLogin/signup. |
comment-ignore-item | <a href="$1">$2</a> on $3 <a href="$4">(unblock)</a> | Shown on Special:CommentIgnoreList. $1 is the URL to the blocked user's user page, $2 is the name of the blocked user, $3 is the timestamp (when the user was blocked) and $4 is the URL to the unblock form. |
comment-ignore-no-users | There are no users currently blocked. | Shown on Special:CommentIgnoreList if you haven't blocked anyone's comments. |
comment-ignore-remove-message | Are you sure you want to unblock user <b>$1</b>'s comments? | Confirmation message, shown when the user is about to unblock someone's comments on Special:CommentIgnoreList. $1 is the username of the user whose comments the user has blocked. |
comment-ignore-unblock | Unblock | |
comment-ignore-cancel | Cancel | |
comment-ignore-title | Comment Ignore List | Title of Special:CommentIgnoreList, as shown on the said page. |
commentignorelist | Comment Ignore List | Title of Special:CommentIgnoreList, as shown on Special:SpecialPages. |
commentslogpage | Comments log | Shown on Special:Log/comments if comment logging is enabled. |
commentslogpagetext | This is a log of comments | Shown on Special:Log/comments if comment logging is enabled. |
commentslogentry | Do not translate this into other languages! | |
commentslog-create-entry | New comment | Shown on Special:Log/comments if comment logging is enabled. |
comments-create-text | [[$1]] - $2 | Do not translate this into other languages! |
comments-time-ago | $1 ago | $1 is one of the following messages: MediaWiki:Comments-time-days, MediaWiki:Comments-time-hours, MediaWiki:Comments-time-minutes or MediaWiki:Comments-time-seconds |
comments-time-days | {{PLURAL:$1|one day|$1 days}} | |
comments-time-hours | {{PLURAL:$1|one hour|$1 hours}} | |
comments-time-minutes | {{PLURAL:$1|one minute|$1 minutes}} | |
comments-time-seconds | {{PLURAL:$1|one second|$1 seconds}} | |
group-commentadmin | Comment Administrators | Shown on Special:ListUsers. Members of this group can delete other users' comments. |
group-commentadmin-member | Comment Administrator | Shown on Special:ListUsers. A "Comment Administrator" is someone who is a member of "Comment Administrators" user group. |
right-comment | Submit comments | Shown on Special:ListGroupRights |
right-commentadmin | Administrate user-submitted comments | Shown on Special:ListGroupRights |