Aurora skin

Page last edited 4,062 days ago
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The following table documents all new system messages defined by the Aurora skin and is meant to help translators with the translation process.

The 'message' column refers to the appropriate MediaWiki message (such as MediaWiki:Aurora-page-edited), 'default value' displays the default message (this is also shown in Special:AllMessages) and 'description' tells where the message is displayed and possibly some other useful things.

Message name Default value Description
aurora-anonymous-user Anonymous user Shown as the header title of the personal area for users who aren't logged in. (For users who are logged in, their user name is displayed instead of this message.)
aurora-email Email Shown on the "Share this" menu; clicking on this link takes the user to the "email this to a friend" feature.
aurora-footer-messages This message is empty by default and it is used by ShoutWiki staff for official purposes, much like MediaWiki:Newsbox.
aurora-languages Languages Title of the drop-down menu which contains interlanguage links for the current page. The menu is visible only on pages that have interlanguage links.
aurora-page-edited Page last edited {{int:ago|$1}} Shown below the page title. $1 is something like "44 hours 25 minutes", so the final output will look like "Page last edited 44 hours 25 minutes ago".
aurora-page-tools Page tools Title of the drop-down menu containing page-specific links, such as "Move this page", "Permanent link", etc.
aurora-share Share this Title of a drop-down menu containing links to allow to share the page quickly to various social networks, such as Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, etc.
aurora-toolbox Wiki tools Title of a drop-down menu, which usually contains links to Special:Upload, Special:SpecialPages and Special:MultipleUpload.