Page last edited 5,036 days ago
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The following table documents all new system messages defined by WikiForum extension and is meant to help translators with the translation process.
The 'message' column refers to the appropriate MediaWiki message (such as MediaWiki:Wikiforum-forum-is-empty), 'default value' displays the default message (this is also shown in Special:AllMessages) and 'description' tells where the message is displayed and possibly some other useful things.
Message | Default value | Description |
wikiforum | Discussion board | Shown on Special:SpecialPages |
wikiforum-desc | [[Special:WikiForum|Forum]] extension for MediaWiki | Shown on Special:Version as the extension description |
wikiforum-anonymous | Anonymous | |
wikiforum-announcement-only-description | Announcement forum (only moderators can add threads) | |
wikiforum-by | $1<br />by $2 | $1 is a timestamp (time and date), $2 is a username |
wikiforum-description | Description: | |
wikiforum-forum-is-empty | This forum is currently empty. Please contact a forum administrator to have some categories and forums added. | Shown on Special:WikiForum when no categories and forums have been set up for the wiki. |
wikiforum-forum-name | Forum $1 | $1 is the name of a forum |
wikiforum-name | Name: | Shown when adding a new category; this is followed by an input field where the user can enter the name of the new category |
wikiforum-button-preview | Preview | Button text in the reply form |
wikiforum-preview | Preview | |
wikiforum-preview-with-title | Preview: $1 | |
wikiforum-save | Save | Button text |
wikiforum-error-search | Search error | |
wikiforum-error-search-missing-query | You must supply a term to search for! | Shown on WikiForum's search page when the user has forgotten to supply a search term yet they have pressed enter and thus submitted the query. |
wikiforum-search-hits | Found {{PLURAL:$1|one hit|$1 hits}} | Shown on WikiForum's search results page |
wikiforum-search-thread | Thread: $1 | |
wikiforum-thread-deleted | thread deleted | |
wikiforum-topic-name | Forum - $1 | $1 is the name of the current topic; this message is shown as the title of the page when viewing a topic |
wikiforum-updates | Newly updated forums | |
wikiforum-write-thread | New topic | Shown right below the search box when viewing a forum |
wikiforum-replies | Replies | Column name in Special:WikiForum |
wikiforum-views | Views | Column name in Special:WikiForum |
wikiforum-thread | Thread | |
wikiforum-threads | Threads | Column name in Special:WikiForum |
wikiforum-latest-reply | Latest reply | Column name in Special:WikiForum when viewing a forum |
wikiforum-latest-thread | Latest thread | Column name in Special:WikiForum |
wikiforum-forum | Forum: $1 > $2 | |
wikiforum-overview | Overview | Title of a link that takes the user to Special:WikiForum, i.e. WikiForum's overview page |
wikiforum-pages | Pages: | Followed by pagination links, like [01] [02] etc. |
wikiforum-thread-closed | Thread closed | |
wikiforum-new-thread | New thread | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "new" image when viewing a forum; new threads are marked with a "new" image so that users can easily spot the threads that are newer than Wikiforum-day-definition-new days (default is 3 days) |
wikiforum-edit-thread | Edit thread | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "edit" image when viewing a thread |
wikiforum-delete-thread | Delete thread | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "delete" image when viewing a thread |
wikiforum-close-thread | Close thread | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "close" image when viewing a thread |
wikiforum-reopen-thread | Reopen thread | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "reopen" image when viewing a closed thread |
wikiforum-write-reply | Write a reply | Shown right below the search box when viewing a thread |
wikiforum-edit-reply | Edit reply | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "edit" image when viewing a reply on a thread |
wikiforum-delete-reply | Delete reply | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "delete" image when viewing a reply on a thread |
wikiforum-save-thread | Save thread | Button text; shown when writing a new topic |
wikiforum-save-reply | Save reply | Button text |
wikiforum-thread-title | Title of your thread | |
wikiforum-no-threads | No threads are available at the moment. | Shown on a forum when the forum contains no messages. |
wikiforum-posted | Posted at $1 by $2 | Timestamp shown below the reply; $1 is a timestamp (time and date), $2 is the name of the person who wrote the reply (contains a link to their user page) |
wikiforum-edited | Edited at $1 by $2 | Timestamp shown below the reply and below wikiforum-posted message; used only if the message has been edited after it was posted. Parameters are the same as in the wikiforum-posted message. |
wikiforum-closed-text | Thread was closed at $1 by $2 | $1 is a timestamp (time and date), $2 is the name of the person who closed the thread |
wikiforum-cat-not-found | Category not found | |
wikiforum-cat-not-found-text | Category does not exist - go back to $1 | |
wikiforum-forum-not-found | Forum not found | |
wikiforum-forum-not-found-text | Forum does not exist - go back to $1 | |
wikiforum-thread-not-found | Thread not found | |
wikiforum-thread-not-found-text | Thread does not exist or was already deleted - go back to $1. | |
wikiforum-error-thread-reopen | Error while reopening thread | |
wikiforum-error-thread-close | Error while closing thread | |
wikiforum-error-general | Object not found or no rights to perform this action. | |
wikiforum-error-no-rights | You don't have the rights to perform this action. | |
wikiforum-error-not-found | Object not found. | |
wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title | Title or text not correctly filled out. | |
wikiforum-error-no-reply | Reply not correctly filled out. | |
wikiforum-error-double-post | Double-click protection: thread already added. | This message could use a better wording... |
wikiforum-error-thread-closed | Thread is currently closed. It's not possible to add a new reply here. | |
wikiforum-error-delete | Error while deleting | |
wikiforum-error-sticky | Error while changing sticky attribute | |
wikiforum-error-move-thread | Error while moving thread | |
wikiforum-error-add | Error while adding | |
wikiforum-error-edit | Error while editing | |
wikiforum-add-category | Add category | Shown on Special:WikiForum for users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) and also shown on the add a new category form as its title |
wikiforum-edit-category | Edit category | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) when hovering the mouse over the "edit category" image |
wikiforum-delete-category | Delete category | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) when hovering the mouse over the "delete category" image |
wikiforum-add-forum | Add forum | Shown on Special:WikiForum for users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) when there is at least one category |
wikiforum-edit-forum | Edit forum | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) when hovering the mouse over the "edit forum" image |
wikiforum-delete-forum | Delete forum | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum for users who are WikiForum administrators (have the wikiforum-admin user right) when hovering the mouse over the "delete forum" image |
wikiforum-sort-up | sort up | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum when hovering the mouse over the up arrow image |
wikiforum-sort-down | sort down | Tooltip shown on Special:WikiForum when hovering the mouse over the down arrow image |
wikiforum-remove-sticky | Remove sticky | Shown right below the search box when viewing a stickied thread if the user is a WikiForum administrator (has the wikiforum-admin user right) |
wikiforum-make-sticky | Make sticky | Shown right below the search box when viewing a thread if the user is a WikiForum administrator (has the wikiforum-admin user right) |
wikiforum-move-thread | Move thread | |
wikiforum-paste-thread | Paste thread | |
wikiforum-quote | Quote | Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the "quote" image when viewing a thread |
right-wikiforum-admin | Add, edit and delete categories and forums on [[Special:WikiForum|the discussion board]] | Shown on Special:ListGroupRights |
right-wikiforum-moderator | Edit and delete threads and replies on [[Special:WikiForum|the discussion board]] | Shown on Special:ListGroupRights |
group-forumadmin | Forum administrators | Shown on Special:ListUsers in the dropdown menu |
group-forumadmin-member | Forum administrator | Shown on Special:ListUsers; a forum administrator is a member of the forum administrators group |
grouppage-forumadmin | {{ns:project}}:Forum administrators | Used on Special:ListUsers; the (Forum administrator) will link to the page mentioned on this message |